D R Congo: Geography and Environment


Nate Falk

Period 4 Hjelmgren

Democratic Republic of Congo Geography

            The Democratic Republic of Congo lies in the heart of Africa and truly encapsulates everything the continent has to offer. The Congo is not only a thriving metropolis, but a geographical treasure. From the lush rainforests to the pulsating rivers, the Congo’s inherent geography enables the prosperity of its people.

            The Democratic Republic of Congo features many interesting geographical features. This includes the Congo basin that encompasses parts of the Congo rainforest. Also, it has one of the biggest rivers in the world, the Congo river. Congo’s climate is “tropical; hot and humid near the equatorial river basin; cooler and dryer in the southern highlands; cooler and wetter in eastern highlands” (Zaire 4). The Congo got quite lucky with its geography. The large river assists in the trade of their many natural resources which include: gold, silver, iron ore and petroleum. These advantages have helped shape Congo into a more powerful and trade directed country.

            Many animals are endangered and almost extinct in the Congo. Cheetahs used to thrive all over Africa but because of hunting, their numbers are now down substantially. Humans’ closest ancestor is nearly extinct here as well. Chimpanzee numbers have been on a steady decline for the past decade and show no hope of slowing down. This beautiful country suffers from a plethora of environmental issues that require immediate attention. Air pollution, derived from vehicle emissions and deforestation, pollutes the air and threatens plant growth as well as human and animal health alike. This deforestation comes at the hands of refugees who arrived in 1994; they invaded native lands only to disrespect and eventually destroy them. This combined with the amount of animal poaching makes for a deadly mix for animal endangerment and in some cases extinction.

            In the middle of Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo is a shining example of countries utilizing their natural resources to better their economic standing. The Congo’s geography acts as a double edged sword in that its vast economical potential enables its inhabitants to prosper, all the while attracting outsiders who threaten these same citizens’ well-being. The Congo needs protection from the vagrants who threaten to destroy it.  

Works Cited

"Congo, Democratic Republic of the." Congo, Democratic Republic of the: History, Geography, Government, and Culture. 28 Apr. 2009. 6 May 2009 <http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/a0198161.html>. I was unsure of how their geography affected their culture until I found this article. 

"Congo, Democratic Republic of the." Congo, Democratic Republic of the. 28 Apr. 2009. 2 May 2009 <http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/wofact98/61.htm>. This source was helpful in the aspect of every statistic about it environment I would need.

 "Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire)." Democratic Republic of Congo: Environmental Profile. 4 May 2009 <http://rainforest.mongabay.com/20zaire.htm>. This article has all the necessary information I need to know about the environment.


Nate Falk: Last Updated may 22, 2009